Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The First Haircut!

Yesterday saw another major milestone being reached; yes my very first haircut in nearly a year! I haven't stayed away from the salon completely in that my lovely kind hairdresser has been keeping in touch with me all the way through treatment and I have to admit to having gone in to see her a few times, particularly over the past couple of months to see if I am ready for my first haircut........ until last week, I was always told "darlin, you don't have anything to cut just yet'...... so you can imagine the excitement I felt when she said, 'yes of course I can cut this'!!!

Given that I have been going to work and everywhere with my fluff top (as my husband to be affectionately refers to it as) I was thinking that I won't be able to achieve a big change with it being so short..... but with a bit of imagination, a wonderful hairdresser and stylist and some new colour, I look like a completely different person!!! I was very chuffed when I walked out of the salon as I felt like I had a proper style, however, I did come home and attempt to do it myself last night and for some reason, it went back to looking like a fluff top!!! My hair; while short has grown back in masses of volumes so my hairdresser couldn't believe how amazing and thick it was which is great.... we don't know if it will be super curly yet as it's early days but we think it will be curly!

So I have to master the art of styling short hair, which I'm confident I will do pretty quickly. It was a very happy and exciting feeling to be back in the seat and thanks to lovely Emma, I now feel like I'm back to normality and blending in with everyone else on the street!

Thank you Emma for my lovely new hair style! You are a treasure.....


PS It is still pretty short to warrants a head rub every day still from my husband in waiting..... yes, this is still continuing on girls!!!! xx


  1. Congrats Suze!! Pics please!! x

  2. How absolutely wonderful! I am thrilled for you, of course. We "hair by chemo" girls have to stick together. Mine is coming back s-l-o-w-l-y, but it's growing. Hair color, now that's a new thought. I will probably have to consider that as well. But my stylist, like yours, has been sending me greetings of concern. She's so sweet. I know that she'll know exactly what to do with this mop, like you said, once it gets a bit longer. P.S. My husband has been giving me head rubs, too. So thank you for that -- he reads your blog, too. -Megan-
